European money supply trends show that Yr/Yr money supply growth is steady or slowing slightly on a Yr/Yr basis (chart). Over other time horizons (see table) some stimulus is indicated. Inflation adjusted “real balances’ show a bit [...]
Global| Dec 31 2008
Various Money Supplies are Showing the Impact of Stimulus
Global| Dec 31 2008
Various Money Supplies are Showing the Impact of Stimulus
European money supply trends show that Yr/Yr money supply growth is steady or slowing slightly on a Yr/Yr basis (chart). Over other time horizons (see table) some stimulus is indicated. Inflation adjusted “real balances’ show a bit [...]
Global| Dec 30 2008
Trouble in the Baltic States
The small Baltic states, Estonia with a population of 1.34 million, Latvia with 2.26 million and Lithuania with 3.36 million have been hit hard by the world financial crisis. GDP in Lithuania grew 2.95% in the third quarter from the [...]
Global| Dec 30 2008
Japan Manufacturing Collapses
Japan ’s Industrial output fell sharply in November. The 8.1% drop has driven the three-month growth rate to -24% at an annual rate. Declines sweep across the various categories. Transportation is down especially sharply given the [...]
Global| Dec 30 2008
Italian Business Confidence Drops Like Stone
Italian business confidence has been weakening but has now hit extreme proportions. We are day by day getting confirmation that the economic signals are every bit as bad as the worst of our expectations for recession. We are looking [...]
Global| Dec 30 2008
U.S. Chain Store Sales Ticked Up But Still Near Lows
Chain store sales during Christmas week gave nothing to cheer about, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers-Goldman Sachs Index. The level of sales last week fell 1.5% and that reversed about half of the prior [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Dec 30 2008
U.S. Consumer Confidence Fell Back To A Historic Low
Worry about jobs, income and the future shape of business conditions weighed heavily on consumer psychology. For December, the Conference Board indicated that consumer confidence fell and washed away a slight improvement in November. [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Dec 30 2008
U.S. Consumer Confidence Fell BackTo A Historic Low
Worry about jobs, income and the future shape of business conditions weighed heavily on consumer psychology. For December, the Conference Board indicated that consumer confidence fell and washed away a slight improvement in November. [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
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