The IFO released its survey detail for its sector results previously announced for November. The IFO headlines are dropping steadily and consistently. Manufacturing, while showing some bounce in other recent surveys, is giving off [...]
Global| Nov 30 2007
IFO Index Continues to Slip; Components Show Weakness
Global| Nov 30 2007
Trichet on a Hot Tin Roof
The monthly HICP has finally done it. It has moved up 3% and the ECB is stuck on the horns of a real dilemma. Prices are zooming up across the Euro area and most of it is oil. But 3% is a long way from 2%, the ECB’s oft stated limit [...]
Global| Nov 30 2007
Euro-Consumer Confidence Hits the Skids
Consumer confidence is taking a hit and an ongoing one in EMU. The percentiles tell an interesting story of these unfolding developments. It is no surprise (final column of the table) that the strongest correlation with Consumer [...]
Global| Nov 30 2007
EU Sentiment is Fading Fast
Mixed but weakening, conditions. The monthly EU sectors show that weakness still stalks the EU region. Still some sectors have improved this month. The EU industrial index improved in November to +3 from +2. The retail index improved [...]
Global| Nov 30 2007
Chicago Purchasing Managers Survey Improved
The Chicago Purchasing Manager's Association reported that its November business barometer improved to 52.9 and the 3.2 point rise from October reversed most of that month's deterioration. The latest figure was better than expected. [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Nov 30 2007
U.S. Construction Spending Down in October, But Stabilizing?
The value of construction put in place fell again October. The 0.8% decline followed a modest 0.2% uptick during September but the three month growth in activity has stabilized at -1.0% (AR), an improvement from the double digit rate [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Nov 30 2007
U.S. Personal Income Light, Real DPI Down and Real PCE Easier
Personal income during October rose 0.2% and the increase fell slightly short of Consensus forecasts for a 0.4% gain. The rise followed two months of 0.4% increased it lowered the three month growth in income to 4.3% (AR), its worst [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Nov 30 2007
U.S. Personal Income Light, Real DPI Down and Real PCE Easier
Personal income during October rose 0.2% and the increase fell slightly short of Consensus forecasts for a 0.4% gain. The rise followed two months of 0.4% increased it lowered the three month growth in income to 4.3% (AR), its worst [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
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