Employment in Spain is picking up, according to the Q1 labor force survey reported today by the National Institute of Statistics ("INE"). Unemployment is working its way lower. At the same time, changes to the data collection, both [...]
Global| Apr 29 2005
Chicago Purchasing Agents' Index Backpedaled
The April Chicago Purchasing Managers Business Barometer gave back more than half of the prior month's 6.5 point jump. Nevertheless, the level of 65.6 was above Consensus expectations for 62.5 and the average level so far this year is [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Apr 29 2005
U.S. Consumer Sentiment Down: Expectations Eased Further
The University of Michigan's reading of consumer sentiment for all of April fell 5.3% from March to 87.7. The decline contrasted to Consensus expectations for a slightly firmer reading of 89.0. Sentiment has fallen in each of the last [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Apr 29 2005
Employment Cost Index Eased With Benefit Costs
The employment cost index for private industry workers rose 0.6% last quarter and the rise was quite a bit more moderate than Consensus expectations for a 1.0% increase. Earlier figures were slightly revised. Moderation came as [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Apr 29 2005
U.S. Income & Spending Above Expectations
Personal income in March topped Consensus expectations and rose 0.5% following an upwardly revised 0.4% increase in February. Disposable personal income also rose 0.5% (5.8% y/y) although when adjusted for price inflation take home [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Apr 29 2005
U.S. Income & Spending Above Expectations
Personal income in March topped Consensus expectations and rose 0.5% following an upwardly revised 0.4% increase in February. Disposable personal income also rose 0.5% (5.8% y/y) although when adjusted for price inflation take home [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
Global| Apr 28 2005
Germany's Chain GDP Yield Slightly Higher Long-Term Growth through 2004
Germany's Federal Statistical Office today introduced its new chain-weighted GDP data with benchmark revisions through Q4 2004. No new periods were published; that will occur for Q1 2005 on May 24. The chain-linking is calculated on [...]
Global| Apr 28 2005
Initial Claims for Jobless Insurance Bounce Back
Initial unemployment insurance claims last week recovered 21,000 of the lessened 33,000 decline the prior period. The level of 320,000 equaled Consensus expectations. During the last ten years there has been a (negative) 75% [...]
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
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