Euro-zone Confidence Indicators Mostly Positive
Recent releases of several indicators of confidence among businessmen and consumers in the Euro-zone suggest that, on balance, confidence is improving. The IFO indexes of business confidence for West and East Germany have risen [...]
Recent releases of several indicators of confidence among businessmen and consumers in the Euro-zone suggest that, on balance, confidence is improving. The IFO indexes of business confidence for West and East Germany have risen steadily since April and May, respectively, and are now well above year ago levels. While still below year ago levels, business confidence in Belgium has improved steadily since March of this year. Business confidence in the Netherlands declined slightly in November but is still well above the low of -10.1 reached in June of this year.
Consumers in the Netherlands and Belgium have seen some improvement in their current economic situation and, as a result, have become more confident. Consumers in Italy, on the contrary, continue to view negatively both their current situation and the outlook for the next twelve months. As a result, they have become even more pessimistic.
Nov 03 | Oct 03 | Nov 02 | M/M % |
Y/Y % |
2002 | 2001 | 2000 | |
West Germany IFO (1991=100) | 95.7 | 94.3 | 87.3 | 1.48 | 9.62 | 89.0 | 89.9 | 99.3 |
East Germany IFO (1991=100) | 105.2 | 104.7 | 95.0 | 0.48 | 10.74 | 98.6 | 101.4 | 106.0 |
Netherlands (% balance) | -3.8 | -3.0 | 0.7 | -0.8 | -3.1 | -1.6 | -1.1 | 6.8 |
Belgium (% balance | -7.9 | -9.4 | -6.3 | 1.5 | -1.6 | -7.9 | -9.4 | 4.2 |
Netherlands (% balance) | -30 | -36 | -30 | 6 | 0 | -20 | -1 | 24 |
Belgium (% balance) | -6 | -15 | -4 | 9 | -2 | -2 | -0 | 13 |
Italy ISAE (1980=100) | 104.0 | 106.8 | 109.7 | -2.62 | -5.20 | 115.8 | 122.7 | 119.4 |
Situation in the last 12 months | -75 | -70 | -69 | -5 | -6 | -46 | -28 | -37 |
Situation expected in the next 12 months | -29 | -28 | -18 | -1 | -11 | -6 | -5 | -1 |