The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's state coincident indexes in October were once again positive, but very mixed. 13 states saw increases of 10 percent or more in the three months since July, with Massachusetts once again way [...]
- Global| Nov 25 2020
State Coincident Indexes in October
- Global| Nov 24 2020
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
"Light at the end of the tunnel" is a phrase that will likely be deployed very frequently in the coming weeks. That's because of the news concerning several vaccines for COVID-19 which have clearly generated heightened hope that the [...]
by:Andrew Cates
- Global| Nov 20 2020
State Labor Markets in October
State labor market data results in October were generally strong. 37 states had statistically significant drops in their unemployment rates from September to October, with Illinois’s 3.6 percentage-point drop being the largest. 8 [...]
Something missing. Federal withheld gross income tax receipts continue to post large declines, missing the rebound in employment and wage and salary income. One wonders if the weakness in gross federal income tax receipts is related [...]
- Global| Nov 13 2020
A Vaccine Game Changer And What It Might Mean
The announcement this week concerning a potential vaccine for COVID-19 should be a game changer for the world economy. Financial markets have certainly greeted this news by pricing in a rosier global economic scenario (see figure 1 [...]
by:Andrew Cates
- Global| Nov 02 2020
Are Investors Prepared For A "Watershed" Election Outcome & A Rebirth of Federal Activism?
A watershed event in politics reflects a "fundamental shift" in the federal government's role in domestic economic, financial, and social affairs. Based on the unprecedented governmental actions already taken by Congress and the [...]
The 2020 economy will be remembered for the record plunge in Q2, and its record rebound in Q3. Yet, the most unusual or unique feature of the economy's performance, or downturn, is its mix. The 2020 downturn is the first economic [...]
- Global| Oct 28 2020
State Coincident Indexes in September
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's state coincident indexes continued to be remarkably mixed in September, but still on an uptrend. 11 states saw an increase of 10 percent or more in the three months since June, led by [...]
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