Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's first test of deciding over the proper stance and course of monetary policy has arrived. Back in February when Mr. Powell testified before Congress he said one of the more important factors [...]
Global| Jul 30 2018
Fed Chairman Powell's First Test--Fiscal Stimulus Boosts Q2 Nominal GDP to Its Fastest Growth Rate Since 2006
On Wednesday July 25 BLS released its Q4 report on Business Employment Dynamics: gross job gains and losses. As always, this rather neglected (perhaps because it is released with such a lag) report adds nuance to the regular job data. [...]
Global| Jul 25 2018
State Coincident Indexes
The Philadelphia Federal Reserve’s state coincident indexes show some dispersion in growth across the nation. Since June 2017, comparable to the payroll employment numbers, growth has apparently been most rapid in the West, with New [...]
Global| Jul 24 2018
Something Missing: Yield Curve Signal Not Confirmed Elsewhere
A lively debate has broken out over the narrowing of the yield curve, or the spread between short and long-term Treasury yields. In fact, some Federal Reserve officials have stated that they might want to stop raising official rates [...]
Global| Jul 20 2018
State Labor Markets in June
The June data on jobs by state show at best modest changes from May levels. Only 5 states (Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Tennessee) saw gains that BLS deemed to be statistically significant. The majority of [...]
Global| Jul 16 2018
US Tariff War: US Will End Up Taxing Its Own
President Trump has stated “When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win.” The problem with that statement is that foreign [...]