On June 27 the Philly Fed released the May estimates for state coincident economic indexes. These indexes, based largely on details of state payroll employment reports and calibrated to have trends similar to a state’s real GDP, allow [...]
Global| Jun 29 2018
Philadelphia Fed Coincident Indexes
Global| Jun 15 2018
State Labor Markets Mirror National Strength in May
State data show continued brisk job growth in May. The sum of the seasonally adjusted gains in payroll employment across the states came to 269,300—quite comparable to the national increase of 223,000. However, most states did not [...]
Global| Jun 14 2018
Employer Costs for Q1 2018
On June 8 BLS released the data on March Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC). This dataset offers a different perspective on labor costs than the ECI. Like the ECI, the numbers come from both private and state and local [...]
Global| Jun 12 2018
Asset Cycles: “When The Music Stops Playing”
The famous American economist Mr. Herbert Stein stated, “If something can’t go on forever, it will stop.” Yet, when it comes to asset price cycles it has been hard to pinpoint when the music stops playing as it has been very difficult [...]
Global| Jun 04 2018
The Predictive Power of Yield Curve Is Due to Its Link to The Economy’s Yield Curve
The minutes of the May 1 and 2 Federal Open Market Committee meeting noted “several participants thought that it would be important to continue to monitor the slope of the yield curve, emphasizing the historical regularity that an [...]